Tuesday, November 11, 2008

subjective comedy and comical subjectivity

Comedy, like many other things such as politics, food, success, fashion, human attraction, and annoyance is highly subjective.

What I find hilarious, you might find disturbing, our opinion and reaction might change substantially depending on the time of day, our mood, and how much we have or haven't had to drink. And definitely depends upon the timing and method of delivery and the persons, places, or and/or things involved. Picture stand up comedy in a warm cozy restaurant after a few pints, then picture stand up outside in rainy 40 degree weather without sufficient clothing. Hmm...

As humans, we just seem to like what we like. We are content as we find contentment....So it goes...

This is sort of a stale mystical half-truth this morning. Perhaps I am just full of "pith and Vonnegut" Ok, that was bad, not funny just ridiculous. So it goes... Oh, and "Yes we did!"

That's my shout out on the election. I think many smarter people summarize things much more eloquently. Hurray!!! Ok back to less civilized musings.

I cooked Red Chard today for lunch, this is an amazing green leafy vegetable that has just surpassed all of my other favorite greens including Kale, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Broccolini, Broccoli Rabe, Kohl Rabi, Collards, and Spinach. This stuff has an amazingly compact flavor and is super easy to cook. Just steam it like any other green. I am in love. Yes, love is subjective too, my tastes buds swoon for Red Chard who knew?

Well I laughed pretty hard last night at some great comedians here in SF at Jay Reddy's Comedy at Home. Jay is a local comedian who introduced a few other great acts at this event and offered a compelling exploratory perhaps existential foray into the ever elusive denim blue jean. Remember when jeans were jeans? See some of his schtick here:

If you are here in the city and you want some good cheap laughs, cheap eats, and maybe cheap thrills (hey it could happen even on a Monday night) then keep an eye out for the next comedy set here (it happens monthly) or just show up anytime and make your own laughs. Three dollar drafts help if you can't find your funny bone.


So I initially went there with a friend to see Dhaya Lakshminarayanan perform,
she's rather hilarious on her own, add a group of other comedians and a lively audience and it's even better.

Another charming and lovely comedienne there was Sandy Stec
Sandy is also a midday personality on San Jose's Mix 106.5
There were several other performers who took the stage that evening with a wide range of topics:
Alex Koll
Ronn Vigh
Brent Weinbach
and Justin McClure.

Overall everyone delivered some good old fashioned, new, edgy, vanilla, and web 2.0 style comedy. Some highlights of the event?

Hearing wonderful tales of sibling rivalry and humiliation, dating mishaps, Facebook, Craigslist, the occasional reverse heckling to the audience, interesting Russian Alphabet musings, how really awesome Starbuck names can help make really bad drugs sound really cool and plenty of other bits that fail me now. Sorry folks, just had to be there.

I've personally thought about trying stand up for a few years so it was great to see people up there giving an earnest effort to keep us entertained. Yes, comedy is subjective, I think I'm hilarious, some of my friends agree, others run away, I often think of random things to keep myself thoroughly entertained, but put me on stage and it could get messy. I might have to resort to my Lionel Richie impersonation or Scooby laugh. Maybe I could bribe everyone with candy. I think candy works with kids and adults alike.

Success well, perhaps we can't be entertained by success at least in the humorous sense, more of the inspirational way assuming we're happy about said success whether our own or some other person(s), or entity. I guess that's sort of a challenge to define. I have known very successful beings in all realms of life from the standard successful businessperson to a successful couple you know the signature, radiantly happy and completely in love sort, yeah that's good success in my opinion. successful musicians, artists, successful sushi chefs (um yes!) some make some really really good stuff.

Oh well success is so subjective, what's your definition and where are you in the continuum? I'd put myself on a steady but very gradual trajectory at present. I've been taking a sabbatical from the 9 to 5 work life. As I chose to relocate amidst the economic paranoia I have encountered a somewhat challenging job market so I've taken to other forms of keeping myself busy and challenged.

I read, write, run, eat, cook, eat again, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, ok not often enough, explore new places, music, ideas, places, putter around more than normal on social networks like facebook and twitter, sleep, dream, drink way too much coffee ---seriously too much, occasionally too much booze, walk around town, make new friends, think about getting a dog and getting more routine in my life again. But mostly I just enjoy the present. It's nice to experience a semi blank slate for once in my life and I have plenty of crayons.

Attraction is perhaps the most subjective quality we humans ponder and contemplate. Have you ever seen someone from across the room, street, up the road, down the road. Just a glimpse or full on view, conversed, had your heart momentarily stop or start beating relentlessly, sure you have. That's endorphins baby, best kind of drug out there. I like getting them from running because they have less overhead :-) but I'm not immune to something lovely walking by especially if we have a conversation.

This biological chemical response to another being that prompts quickness of breath, warmth, attraction, some times very odd or silly behavior or speech patterns started in our genetic DNA Millions of years ago.

God's sense of humor once again at work. Well scientists say millions of years...always a million plus...maybe that's speculation I can't prove anything because I hated chemistry and biology equations especially the much lauded and personally loathed Krebs Cycle. Go ahead make your funny comments. Dont' like Krebs, but who does?

How does all this come together? It doesn't unless you're me on this Tuesday sipping lukewarm coffee trying to artfully summarize the last few days. I didn't really spend anytime on fashion because I don't care about it and it's soon going to change anyhow. I just hope you're wearing something warm today and being mildly fashionable, or annoying, or both. I'll leave you to your own definitions there.